279 research outputs found

    Borrelia spielmanii erythema migrans, Hungary

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    Software as a basic - music platform

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    There is not always a clear difference in cognition between whir and noise, mood of music or tone in the era of modern music. In the cognizance of being as individuals there is a problem of visual memory in relation to the sound; for example: clatter of horses or gurgling brook, or sigh that can be interpreted as a beginning of the pain, sex or fatigue, etc. This paper presents a novel approach to using software sources that are active conductors in acceptance of many cognitive skills, and various software programs that play important role in innovative music creation, musical compositions and sound. All music refines and links natural and artificial forms, as per requirement, analogically and digitally, so that modern cognition in the era of IT actually just links cognitive knowledge that we know from before. The connection between software technology and cognition is addressed, and the importance of designing a new program which will help cognition improvement and development

    Hitoktatás a Csanádi Római Katolikus Egyházmegyében 1945 és 1956 között

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    1945-től Magyarországon is megkezdődött a sztálini típusú totalitárius rendszer kiépítése. Ennek egyik következménye az lett, hogy elkezdődött a történelmi egyházak nyílt üldözése. A római katolikus egyház más, kelet-közép-európai országokhoz hasonlóan az intézményeinek fenntartását szolgáló földbirtokainak legnagyobb részét már 1945-ben elveszítette. A diplomáciai kapcsolata a Vatikánnal megszűnt. 1946-ban betiltották a hitbuzgalmi egyesületek működését, az egyházi iskolákat és intézményeket 1948-ban államosították, 1949. szeptember 5-én fakultatívvá tették a hitoktatást, majd 1950-ben erőszakkal feloszlatták a szerzetesrendeket. Az egyházi javadalmakat elkobozták, az elvilágiasodás az állam minden részére kiterjedő propagandájának és a kíméletlen üldözéseknek köszönhetően lassan kezdett elterjedni. Mindez nemcsak avégett történt, hogy a „Szentháromság-tant” letaszítva Sztálint és Rákosit ültessék a „trónra”. A dialektikus materializmus szellemi áramlatát, a marxi és lenini elvek bevezetését tartották követendőnek ahhoz, hogy a „népi demokrácia útján” egy másik, természettudományos alapú társadalmat neveljenek fel és hozzanak létre

    A Publish-Subscribe Scheme Based Open Architecture for Crowd-Sourcing

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    Participatory sensing, when a crowd of users collaborate to collect useful information, based applications are getting popular these days thanks to the proliferation of powerful mobile devices. The built-in sensors of smartphones offer an easy and handy way to monitor the environment and collect data which can serve as the basis of smart applications. However, the quick and flexible development and deployment of these applications call for a unifying open architecture. In this paper we propose a publish-subscribe based open participatory sensing architecture

    Publish/Subscribe Communication for Crowd-sourcing Based Smart City Applications

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    Collecting data and monitoring our environment give the basis for smart city applications which are getting popular today. However, the traditional approach to deploy a sensing and monitoring infrastructure is usually expensive and not always practical. Mobile crowd-sourcing can open new ways for data collection and smart city services. In this case, mobile devices with their built-in sensors and their owners are used to monitor the environment. For instance, the timetable of a smart travel planner service can be updated in real-time based on the continuously monitored time gap by passengers between consecutive buses on a public transportation route. This requires a common communication model facilitating crowd-sourced data collection. In this paper, we overview the design considerations of crowd-sourcing based smart city applications, propose data collection via using the publish/subscribe communication model and investigate the possible use of the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) for such applications

    Measurements of a Real-time Transit Feed Service Architecture for Mobile Participatory Sensing

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    Abstract—We spend a substantial part of our time with traveling, in crowded cities usually taking public transportation. It is important, making travel planning easier, to have accurate information about vehicle arrival times at the stops. Most of the public transport operators make their timetables freely available either on the web or in some special format, like GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification). However, they contain static information only, not reflecting the actual traffic conditions. Mobile participatory sensing can help extend the basic service with real-time updates letting the crowd collect the required data. With this respect we believe that such participatory sensing based application must offer a day zero service following incremental service extension. In this paper, we discuss how to realize real-time refinements to static GTFS data based on mobile participatory sensing. We show how this service can be implemented by an XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) based mobile participatory sensing architecture and we evaluate its performance

    Survey of lungworm infection of domestic cats in Hungary

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    From 61 settlements of 12 Hungarian counties, 303 domestic cats were included in this survey. Between autumn 2016 and spring 2018, fresh faecal samples were randomly collected and examined by flotation and by the Baermann–Wetzel method for the presence of lungworm infection. No eggs of Eucoleus aerophilus were detected. Morphological identification of first instar larvae (L1) was also carried out. In the faeces of 60 cats (19.8%) from 17 settlements and Budapest, L1 of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus were found. More than half of the cats were from the western part of the country. The average number of larvae per gram of faeces was 190.2 ± 304.88. These results are in line with the former findings on the prevalence of aelurostrongylosis of domestic cats in Hungary. In addition, Oslerus rostratus was also found for the first time in the faecal samples of three cats from the eastern part of the country, infected also with Ae. abstrusus. The average age (2.51 ± 1.26 years) of infected cats indicates that lungworm infection is more common among younger cats. No relationship was found between the lung-worm infection and the sex of cats. Non-neutered cats had a significantly higher proportion of lungworm infections. Two-thirds of the infected cats were apparently healthy, and only 19 individuals showed clinical signs of respiratory disorders

    Lókullancslégy (Hippobosca equina) okozta csípést követő anafilaxiás reakció egy humán eset kapcsán = Anaphylactic reaction caused by a horse-fly species (Hippobosca equina)

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    A szerzők egy 46 éves nőbeteg esetét ismertetik, akinél egy légy okozta csípést követően szerencsés kimenetelű anafilaxiás reakció zajlott le. A hajas fejbőrön, a homlok és a haj találkozásánál rövid időn belül 15 cm átmérőjű kemény, savós varral fedett duzzanat, a homlokon ödéma jelentkezett. Nem sokkal ez után helyi és testszerte bőrpír, viszketés, kéz-, arc- és ajaködéma alakult ki, később jelentkező hidegrázás, émelygés, hányinger, hányás kíséretében. A befogott rovar egy határozókulcs segítségével történt meghatározás alapján lókullancslégy (Hippobosca equina) volt. Tudomásunk szerint e légyfaj csípése által kiváltott anafilaxiás reakcióról ez az első közölt eset Magyarországon. A lókullancslégy világszerte jelen van, hazánkban régóta ismert, leginkább legelőn, istállóban tartott lovakon, szamarakon, szarvasmarhákon, esetenként más állatfajokon naponta többször szív vért. Vektorként különféle kórokozókat terjeszthet. Esetismertetésünkkel a lókullancslégycsípésre és a csípés okozta klinikai tünetekre kívánjuk felhívni a családorvosok és a klinikusok figyelmét, mivel a rovarcsípések diagnosztizálása terén nem rendelkeznek kellő tapasztalattal és nem gondolnak erre a lehetőségre. | The authors report on the case of a 46-year-old female patient who had an anaphylactic reaction of lucky outcome after a fly bite. She shortly developed a hard swelling of 15 cm diameter covered by scab, on the hairy scalp where hair meets the forehead, as well as an oedema on the forehead. Shortly afterwards came an erythema and pruritus on the face and body, and oedema on the hands, face and lips, later accompanied by shivers, nausea and vomit. The captured insect was identified by a taxonomic key to be a Hippobosca equina (horse-fly). To our knowledge, this is the first case reported in Hungary on anaphylactic reactions to Hippobosca equina bite. Hippobosca equina lives all over the world – also known in Hungary -, mostly in grazing lands, stables and cowsheds, sucking the blood of horses, asses and occasionally other animals. As a vector it may be a carrier and transmitter of pathogens. With this report we wish to call attention of family physicians and clinicians on the clinical symptoms of the bite of Hippobosca equina, since they have not the specific experience required to the diagnosis of such insect bite
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